For this blog I chose to research question number two:
2) Nuclear chemistry has found many applications in medicine. Research some of these applications and discuss them to the best of your ability. There are also health risks associated with radiaton which you could discuss and research. While I do not expect you to understand or explain every detail, do your best to give as much detail as possible. Be sure to also include specific nuclear reactions involved (among your applicatons, you can also discuss MRI which is often misuderstood as radioactive eventhough it isn't. No nuclear reaction is involved but the nucleus is an essential part of it. In fact, it is referred to something different in a chemistry setting (NMR). Why do you think they changed the name?)
I decided to focus specifically on the procedure of nuclear medicine, the applications of nuclear medicine, and the health effects of radiation.
*While viewing a glogster remember to scroll through each box. Hope you enjoy!